
New York Lottery

There's a lot of rich people out there that don't know how to use their money properly. And you'd be better, than most of them, at being rich if you were rich.

So, we made a field guide on how to spot all of the rich people of New York that you would be better than if you got rich with the New York Lottery.


You’d Make A Way Better Rich Person

The New York Lottery thinks you'd be much better at being rich, than most of the rich people out there.

So, we worked with illustrator Andrew Rae to create over 30 illustrations based on “fictional” rich people. Then we made a real field guide to show those of you who aren’t nearly as rich how to find said rich people.

See the whole book here, http://bit.ly/2hatIDy 


For a moment, consider the people more fortunate than you: The Rich People. They’re everywhere and they don’t live by the same rules as everyone else. Some of them don’t live by any rules at all. The resulting lifestyle choices can often seem a little eccentric, impractical and a tad kooky. All of which are very enjoyable to observe.


The Centrally Significant Sovereign
Nuclei Royalus Importi

The New York Snollyguster
Charismicus Spoilum

The Art Collecting Controlling Conversationalist
Monumentus Collectus

The Pedigree Princess
Specialinum Specialanus Eletus

The Count of Someplace in Europe
That Does Not Exist Anymore

Countus Rexus

The Startup Buzzkid
Appio Inventus

The Mommy Master 3000
Babonia Machinus

The Knocking Opportunist
Florus Juventus Irritatus

The Skate Dad
Ollie Pastus-Primus
(Definitely not Tony Hawk)

The Glamorous Stay-At-Home Mom (GLAM SAHM)
Fabulosa Perfectus

The Woman of a Million Causes
Charitium Inyerae Facicum

The Gallerina
Empori Artifuss

The Hyper-Localized Hyper-Naturalist
Florafauna Maximus

The Comfortably Rich Investor of Discomfort
Rejectus Naturalus
(Definitely not Thomas Lee who invented
the Adirondack Chair)

The Procedurist
Rhinoplasticus Expertum

The Fashion Label Tastemaker
Stilo Peacoccus

Neo-Traditional Neo-Money Guy
Juvenis Novus

The Celebrity Trainer to Celebrities
Nobilis Praeparum Nobilis
(Definitely not Jillian Michaels)

The High Society Hostess
Nobilus Absolutus Legitimus

The Former Tech Tsar
Electronicum Maturum

That One Actress From That One Show
Ludicrous Anonymous
(Definitely not Mary Kate or Ashley Olson)

The Quick Service Snow Birds (QSS)
Heartburni Goldinium Migratus

The One Hit Wonder
Boastus Coastus

The Aristodack

The Money Trader
Grandi Monitarius Mystericus
(Definitely Not Jordan Belfort)

The Reality Media Mogul
Quasirealus Recordus Mastermindum

The Francesca of High Finance
Dollarious Feminam

The Bohemian Trust Fundie
Fiducia Liberatus Floati

The Grown-Up Child Star
Wreckus Giganteus
(Definitely not Miley Cyrus)

The Roaring Mansioneer
Sandshorus Throwbaccus

The Eccentric Collector of Eccentric Collections
Bizarrum Eccentrici

The Apocolyptomaniac
Solus Protectum

The Reclusive Artist
Reclusive Reclusicus Reclusorum

The Elusively Invisible Tycoon
Mysterium Secretum Magister

Hypertense Hyperallergenic
Rhinitis Inflammaticus